this guy at my place of work always tries to spark a conversation with what music i like, he touches on my shoulder or upper back without saying anything, sometimes he may stare and smiles, and he also says there she goes when i enter a room. he also complements me multiple in the same day and i think it wasnt sincere. so why would he act like this. okay the reason why i asked is because he act like he didnt care for me at all i saw him as a foe and i dont understand why, if he does like me, made smart remarks about me when i first started working at the company he confronted me about being a fake person because i didnt engage in conversation with the other employees.last week when i was leaving he was walking ahead of me in the parking lot asking if i was tired i said no and drove off. today he was staring and smiling at me, i asked what was wrong with him his reply was whats wrong with you.i dont know too much about males because in russia where im from its disrespectful