
Cox cable vs vonage for voip?

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just moved to las vegas and im wondering which is better, cox or vonage voip. im intrested in unlimited domestic calling, voicemail and caller id. any personal experience would be great and i have an above average computer knowledge.





  1. Although I am in the UK, I can give you a web site address for the largest voip network in the USA, the company also does landline, cell phone, internet and satellite TV.

    If you can send me an email I will give you the address, it is a UK site but has a link to the US site, and I will tell you how to access the link.

    The network offers free calling over the USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and Hawaii and is rolling out its European network this year, also the bandwidth has been made large enough to support the use of video phones.

  2. Try, instead.

    Best of the lot!

  3. the cable provider will be able to guarantee the QoS, vonage will not...

    for the best quality service get the service that is provided by your local cable/internet provider, as they can prioritize the voice packets of there VoIP service.

    Vonage can not prioritize there voice packets going out over the interent.

  4. I would not go either cox or vonage. If you internet goes down you will not have phone service. I would go with AT&T or Verizon, depending on which franchise you live in. Both companies offer better service and the phone will never go down if your internet goes down or if there is a power outage. That is something the cable companies will never tell you.

  5. I expect you will get better service and support from Cox Cable Digital Phone service.  But, it comes at a higher price.

    If the extra cost isn't an issue, then Cox may be a better bet...

  6. I would kick the cable companies out of your home and go with Satellite TV.   AT&T offers such a better deal on their bundles.  Last I saw AT&T was offering  Phone, High speed internet, and Dish Network for $63.00 a month.  Satellite offers so much more HD braodcastings

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