
Coxswain Help?

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I am new to Coxswaining and i could use some racing tips. All tips welcome




  1. What kind of tips do you need? As long as you know how to keep your crew motivated, they do most of the work in the race. p**s them off- it makes guys pull harder in my experience.

  2. i row for virginia tech.  not sure what level you're starting at or where you're from - but i'll be at the head of the hooch this weekend.

    as a rower myself, i generally like to hear about stroke rating.  if it's slipping, build 5 or build 10's are usually sufficient to get your rating back to race pace (~28-30).  encourage powering through strokes, making sure the boat is set, watch technique to make sure nobody's making any mistakes.  in a race situation, you'll hear a lot of coxswains yelling at the boat.  it depends on your style - ask your boat what they want to hear and listen to them.  don't degrade them at all, but encourage better performance.  always remember to power through the finish - don't stop rowing early or let off the power.  every second counts when it comes down to it.  best of luck to you.
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