
Coxswain problem?

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Hey what's up, okay, so I'm a coxswain, and about ooooh 105 lbs ish. problem is, I need to get down to 100 but maintain muscle because I do other sports too. I dont have time to work out except on weekends becuase of practice and school. soooo do any fellow coxswains have any tips on how you keep your weight down, but not be completely bone? I don't want to be one of those people who dosen't east for and entire day before a race, and then throws up before hand to be as light as possible, it's not healthy and it's gross. soooo any tips?




  1. it depends on how long you have before you have to be 100 lbs i used to be on a crew team but i wasnt a coxswain anyway you dont necessarily have to not eat just diet a little stricter if youre already on a diet drink water only soda and stuff like that is a waste of calories because it doesnt nourish you anyway so anyway my advice is diet but dont starve yourself and drink just water

  2. well, I don't know what the problem is with weighing 105 and being a coxswain. The womens minimum weight is 110 and mens in 120, so you'd just have to carry sand at races which is no fun, believe me.

    I'm not sure if this is a thing on your team that you have to get down to 100? Like, if it's your coach that's saying coxswains have to be 100 then that's ridiculous. It's really common for coaches to do that, but just understand one thing: weight is FAR less important than the performance of the coxswain. A heavy cox that can steer and motivate is MUCH more valuable to a crew than a light one that steers "S"'s down the river and can't get the most out of the rowers.

    For now, don't worry about being even further under the minimum than you are, just embrace that you are under the minimum...some people try to starve themselves just to get down to that 110 number.
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