
Coyotes -- good or bad ?

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Some goofy woman is crying on TV about her yorkie that got mauled by coyotes.

For corn's sake. The coyotes were here first -- the yorkie is natural prey.

How can someone say the coyotes need to go? Get rid of the yorkies!




  1. This is the way our society has grown. If it hurts them or their lives then it must be destroyed. People forget that all these animals lived here in harmony with the earth long before we bulldozed in and built our pretty homes. We did not give one thought to the Coyotes family.

    Now I would be devastated if something happened like that to my creature,but As the human race we do worse to one another.

    At some point we as a part of this earth need to start thinking about how these animals will eat and were they will live. NO NOT A ZOO!!!! And watch over our own pets (family members better). We all know if wild animals live around us.

  2. I live in an area of Arizona and I love it when I see coyotes roaming from one area to another in an Urban setting to get to the park by ASU!

    I agree, either get rid of the Yorkie or do your job and watch your pets.

  3. According to this wesite coyotes play a important ecological  part in keeping the balance.They prey on rats and mice and we certainly do not want their populations to explode due to a decline in those that eat them . Coyotes keep other animal species from exploding fo instance around Chicago the Canadian goose was increasing fro 10-20% but with Coyotes eating their eggs a better increase of only 1-2%,also prey on whitetailed dee usually the old feeble,slower ones etc .When deer populations explode they overgraze vegetation which exposed the baby deer who rely on shrubs ,tall grass to be undetected in and since they are then more visible are seen by their predators and when any animal population explodes esp in todays lilmited land and food supply there is starvation and suffering of those animals. Predators are needed to keep the balance. Unfortunately by man encroaching more and more into the habitat of the Coyotes we have to learn how to live in close quarters for the coyote has through the ages been shot in great numbers by farmers,ranchers although its been proven that when coyotes are given space by "Green" Farmers , Ranchers esp when supplied with a water venue that the coyotes will NOt Overkill but keep the herds healthier and stronger since its the weak,diseased that are the natural prey and its only when they are hunted and denied their "Natural"prey that  because of need (to Eat and live) become oportunistic hunters and will take any animal that comes into their range including  stray young cattle sheep etc.   and since coyotes have proven themselves to be survivors for will adapt to new situations they are now being forced by man taking thir land to prey on anything including household pets. If its known that coyotes are in the area its adviseable for people to keep their pets inside or safe enclosed areas or we stop this encroachment,lobby city hall to stop issuing all thse building permits to greedy developers who gobble up green spaces, green land and homes to many animals  to replace with concrete and assembly line housing. I prefer the trees and the coyote.I like yorkies too an since most are small can easily be kept inside and taken for walks on a leash-also good exercise for the owner or Communities could band together and make Green ENclosed and safe for them Dog parks. Would prefer that to a explosion for rats who then would prey on the smaller housepets and rats are also not as afraid of humans as coyotes are.  I saw one a while back trotting along beside the road and it being hot with no rain and it looked thirsty. All My animals inside and my dog is in a safe fenced area where he can run around in when he is outside but keep water available for any passing animal in my unfenced front yard-including a thirsty passing coyote

  4. coyotes ate me cats....but they also eat the rats


  5. Good, important and necessary.

    And what is yorkie doing outside by her little lonesome, eh?

  6. Many humans really don't realize that WE are taking over territories where other species lived first, then pushing certain animals more and more toward extinction.  Also, like everyone has said, she needs to face reality.  Humans assume all the time that we're higher than other animals and we can shove them around.  It's not right and many don't push a little effort to dawn it upon themselves.  As much as I feel for the loss of her dog, I still pity her for putting herself into the situation to begin with.

  7. Every animal is food for something. Even us.

  8. I agree.


    The Road Runner

  9. What a Dumb ***.

    If there was a threat to your animals being harmed, wouldn't you fence your property off, or a least an area where the pet can run around so they are safe?? I would, but then I have at least 2 brain cells.

  10. silly huh they love animals but not natural way things go.

  11. coyotes were here first, that lady should know the area she is in and not be so surprised that her tasty little dog was eaten

  12. coyotes are cool! :D

  13. Coyotes are running out of natural habitat.  They need to be left alone as long as they're not carrying rabies.

    But, don't get RID of pets, just supervise them as you would children.

  14. It's simple, coyotes are humans natural prey ( as are every other species ).  Apply your logic to that.

  15. Amen!

    Any animal that needs to be dressed by it's "mommy" to go outside should expect to be eaten.  Goes for hairless apes as much as Yorkies.

  16. Fearst of all she shuld half been a better pet oner than that. Coyotes need to be feed and she did that just fine take better care of your pets than and i also think that the coyotes have the rite of way in this case.

  17. Personally, if you live in a coyote prone area, and have a small pet, you really should supervise it when it is outside or else realize that you are tempting fate.

    I have lived in a very coyote prone area and find them to be great creatures.  Sure there are times that they will get involved in problems but to be honest, I agree with you that we are on THEIR land and that we need to learn to realize and respect that as humans and be a bit more tolerant of how we exist with them.

    A fact is, they are a bit of a clean up crew in nature.  They help keep the rodent population under control...

  18. 1) coyotes have very few natural predators in the wild.

    they have them, but can generally overcome them by having larger numbers.

    2) they reproduce fast

    3) they kill things just to kill them, not just when they are hungry.

    4) they kill livestock that are far larger by overcoming them by large pack effort.

    5) they are very territorial and will kill anything that invades their territory

    6) they totally devestate wildlife populations

    It doesn't seem that you know a great deal about them. If you ever watched them devestate and entire flock of chickens just to eat a couple birds, then imagine what they do to wildlife, I highly doubt you would have the same view.

    Just think about all the bad aspects of rats, give the rat more fur, bigger fangs, larger appetite for killing, and a larger size, you have a coyote.

    while I agree that smaller coyote populations do help balance an ecosystem, most ecosystems aren't balanced enough to keep coyote populations in check.

    this is why circumstances like this occurs.

    but ultimately, this isn't the coyotes fault, because they aren't smart enough(or dumb enough) to destroy the environment, because they need another strip mall or Walmart.

  19. people

    good or bad????

    yorkies are natural coyote food

    true or false????

    did  the coyotes move onto the pèoples territory

    or did the people  move on to the coyotes ???

    the sad truth is that people are replacing animals

  20. Right on. Too many dogs in this world already, fouling  the streets, barking and yapping, eating the equivalent of food  for a large African country or two. I can see working dogs, out in the country, or dogs for the blind.

    Wild dog packs probably kill more wildlife than all the cougars, wolves, and coyotes combined.

    If people need a pet, why not a cat? Not more than one. And keep them leashed too, so they don't kill birds.

  21. Coyotes are a natural part of our ecosystem.

    I don't think that they are either good or bad in general... however the surrounding circumstances can make the situation surrounding the coyotes good or bad.

    If an undeveloped or underdeveloped area where coyotes thrive is harvested and developed pushing the coyotes out of there natural habitat it can mean bad news for both the coyotes and humans...

    Prey that previously lived in the wooded area may have moved on... which may force the coyotes to move to another area, which may end up being the backyards of nearby neighborhoods who never had to deal with coyotes, even if they had lived there for years.

    Yes, people should be more responsible with their pets... however, I do feel it is unfair to criticize the way that a person grieves over their loss... Once a person has been caught in a situation that involves a scarey animal like a coyote, it just really is a bit late for education. While the woman may later become open to being educated about these creatures, at this time all she feels is the pain of losing her precious pet. She may even feel the guilt of leaving her pet alone or not being able to defend it...

    The other problem is that the coyote living in neighborhoods does become dangerous to people... and if the coyote is not relocated before it comes into contact with a human in a bad way, it will more than likely have to be put down.

    What we really need to do is to educate those that develop virgin or abandoned areas and put something into place that necessitates the relocation of displaced animals before the development occurs...

    In this country we do not allow the tearing down of homes with the residents still in them. Why do we allow the tearing down of nature without re-homing the natural residents first?

  22. Coyotes are a vital part of their ecosystem. People have to be aware of the ecosystem before they can safely live there-she knew she was moving into an area of coyotes and she knew that coyotes eat smaller mammals like yorkies, and she still decided to leave her yorkie within reach of the coyotes. Her fault.

  23. No need to get rid of anything. The woman can be a more responsible pet owner or not have pets at all. If she lives in an area with coyotes, well, she can move if she doesn't want her dogs attacked.

  24. I live in the country and coyotes are a fact of life.  I raise livestock and I keep guard dogs in a fenced yard.  We don't let our cats out because we know they could become coyote crunchies.

    I don't feel sorry for anyone who lets their animals out or in unsecured areas then cries when they get eaten.

  25. I agree. After all, it's all about the survival of the fittest.

  26. Keep them both, the york and the coyote...

    I agree animals thrive on instinct, the yorkie was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  27. First off coyotes are an essential part of the food chain.  They keep other animal populations from getting out of control.

    Second my mom lives where there are coyotes and one of her dogs got bit by one.  She has learned to protect her animals from them.  They know that any animal cat or dog that is out past dark is going to be gone.

    Conclusion coyotes are good because they keep nature in ballance.   People just need to learn to live with them.

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