
Cozumel vacation advice??

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My boyfriend and i are looking for a romantic vacation in Cozumel but I'm not sure where exactly to stay and I'd would like to know from people that have actually been there... are there any hotels that are on a quiet beach? I don't want to stay on a beachfront hotel if it will be very crowded. Also i'd like to be able to get in it the water boogieboard sunbathe and relax. I've already looked at some sites about the beaches and places but i'd like recommendations from personal experiences. Any suggestions?




  1. Try Playa Azul Hotel - Nice beach, tiki bar, restaurant and restaurant next door. North end of island, maybe 40 rooms

  2. I don't have personal experiences of Cozumel, but I live on the mainland. Have a look at Trip Advisor - website with hotel and attraction reviews by real travellers. Have a great time!

  3. Last time I was there was in 2001. A hurricane has since mowed the island a bit but back then, the only Resorts and Hotels were on the west side of the island which I don't think has changed. Crowds? Well, that's going to depend on the time of year you go and how many cruise ships are at the dock. There were three that appeared overnight and pushed the tourist traffic up by a few thousand in hours when I was there.

    The best beaches are on the west side for swimming and lazing about. For boogie boarding you want the east side of the island where there's some surf but it's not so swimming friendly and a little rockier.

    I'd stayed at the Reef Club Isla Cozumel, which is south of San Miguel and about a 10 minute drive from the cruise ship docks on the west side of the island. It's an all inclusive ( at least it was when I was there) and I'd gone in January. Crowded, but mostly at the bars. There was still plenty of room on the beach. Their beach is actually quite large and nice for swimming. You may spot rays, barracuda, puffers and turtles out there if you snorkel. I fellow dive pal and I did within minutes of dumping our gear in our room and itching to get in the water. Saw all of the above in a few minutes after swimming out to the edge of the marked swim area that is about a 15 foot depth. There's no reef to speak of there, it's all sand out to the swimming area markers. The resort offered all the usual amenities, the food was actually quite good , there are two pools, one being gargantuan and the other a swim bar type, water sports (sailing, jet skis etc) and there's horseback riding across the road.  Take bug spray for the ride, you're going thought a bit of jungle. They also offer introductory scuba in the main pool ( we're divers and did this for the heck of it and more than a little tipsy...I wouldn't take the proper open water course here or anywhere in the Carib for that matter and I think we proved why when we put gear on upside down and back to front while sipping a whiskey sour and they still let us dive the pool). If you're dive certified already ( cheers) there's a Sand Dollar dive outfit on the property to the north of the main resort areas.They have fast boats, air/ nitrox fills and you are literally minutes away from the reefs. You're so close that you need to partially gear up before getting on the boat. It's all drift dives by the way. Fast current, great reefs and walls. If you kick your fins twice...there's an issue. :)

    There is a very nice restaurant on premises but you need to reserve a table.

    The accommodations themselves are clean and neat. Some offer a garden view, some a ocean view. The layout is easy to navigate since the housing is in mini apartment type blocks and nicely lit walk ways. I'd stayed at the north east end of the complex and this is what we had in that area.

    They have various activities planned for guests during the day/ evening and there is also a car rental on site for seeing the ruins or taking a run over to the east side for boarding. Your choices are generally a jeep or a VW Beetle with a cut out roof.

    One last bit of advice...if you or your BF get into the beer drinking contest held in the pub...look out for the staff. They've had a lot of practice and it took one of our best Canucks to beat them and he was up against a female :) A full pint in 5 seconds. I was in awe. That was her, my pal nailed it in 3. :)

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