
Cracked Exhaust Manifold.....

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My mom has a 2002 Honda Civic with a cracked exhaust manifold. But the she was told by two different companies what she needs to buy to fix it.... Does anyone know what she really needs to buy??





  1. All you need is an exhaust manifold. Either buy it from the dealer or aftermarket may be cheaper. You could get one from a salvage yard but if I were you id just spend that couple extra bucks and get a new one. wouldnt suggest doing it yourself unless you know exactly what your doing.  

  2. I would just call a savage yard and see what a used one costs. Then when you bring it to a shop, just have it in the trunk for them to put on. It really isn't that tough of a repair as long as you can get the bolts loose and you have fairly good access. It's possible that you or a friend could have a friend do the repair. If two shops told you the same thing, that is almost for sure what's wrong with it. It sucks, because there have to literally HUNDREDS of those sitting in garages from all the kids who replace them with a tube header when they do the tuner mods to their own civics. I bet most of them would just give them away, and probably tell you how to make the repair.

    Good luck!

  3. Yeah it happens a lot on that car.


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