
Cracked egg? Throw it out?

by  |  earlier

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If an egg has cracked during the transport from supermarket to car, should one discard it? Can it go bad now that it's exposed?




  1. yeah throw it away. salmonella can live on the shell and if theres a crack it'll get inside the egg.  you never know if you cracked it or its been cracked a long time

  2. throw it out no one will know or will they?

  3. file it under (G)...garbage that is!

  4. yes. if you do keep it you may get Salmonella enteritidis Infection. its the thing you hear about on the news. its not healthy to use and may contaminate your other eggs.

  5. Throw it out.  you never know if was cracked before you got it in the car and you just didn't see it.

  6. If you're the one that cracked it, I would use it immediately or just throw it out.

    If the egg was cracked and you don't know when or how long, I would throw it out.

    Sounds like you're the one that cracked it... so you can use it now or just throw it out.  I don't think it's worth the effort to store it in the fridge.

  7. If you know you broke it yourself, you can use it if you use it fast.  If you're not sure... well, that little crack is the door that salmonella will use to come in, so pitch it.

    I always check eggs before I buy them to make sure none are broken.  AND I never EVER let my husband carry the bag that the eggs are in.  EVER.

  8. Why can't you learn to be more gentle with your eggs missy!!!

  9. If you are sure it was still ok the minute you brought it, and it was your handling that cracked it, I think it is still ok to consume, just as long as you thoroughly cook it as soon as it gets in your kitchen and eat it not long after.

  10. It could go bad, throw it out, eggs are cheap anyway

  11. put it in a bowl of water if it sinks its good if it floats its bad and throw it away

  12. I would toss it. Its only an egg which in today's prices, alone it may cost 15 cents compared to getting sick, a fair trade no?

  13. yea throw it out! it's just gonna spoil anyway.. once its cracked it no gud

  14. through it out. i always do.

    answer mine?;...

  15. Yeah, toss it. It'll probably go bad really soon, if it hasn't already.

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