
Cracking your knuckles

by  |  earlier

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is it true that cracking your knuckles causes the middle of each of your fingers to get wider ? i hope you know what i mean. haha. thanks,




  1. No, you just get arthritis when you're older... :)

  2. no. what makes the popping sound when you crack your knuckles together is the bones rubbing together and chipping tiny bits of the bone. this causes arthrites.  

  3. Nothing will happen. The cracking sound is small gas pockets in your joints that are released. However, cracking them in public is just plain rude!

  4. It's a myth thats been floating around for so many years. Recent studies show that it isnt true. Cracking your nuckles doesnt make them any bigger. But best not to do it oh so often or ever because when you get older it would cause authritus.  

  5. No popping your knuckles will not make your knuckles wider. The sound you hear from the cracking is just air inside of your joints coming out. Same happens when you pop your toes or wrist or whatever other joint.

  6. Uck!!! i hate the sound. my friends in skool when it would be quiet wud do it just to bugg me!! haha i would be like GRRR!..

    no its not true but it does give you arthridus and your knuckels get bigger

  7. yes. i crack my knuckles and i'm afraid for that to happen when i get older, but i do it anyways... i'm trying to stop...

  8. nope

  9. ya  but its not bad 4 u

  10. yes! it is. i guess popping them stretches the tissue. because my friend always pops hers and has HUGE knuckles!!!

  11. I would suggest not cracking your knuckles if you do, you can get arthritis.

  12. no...its just a mythh.

  13. I have been cracking my knuckles for over 20 years and I can't say for sure.  I have heard this rumor as well.  I also heard about having arthritis.

  14. nope untrue

  15. i don't think so, i do it and i have worn the same ring size for 3 years!

  16. no its not true, but if you get arthritis it willmake it worse. it will most likely result in loose joints, which arent soo bad. just not soo good either =]

  17. I hope not.

    I do that, but so far they havent!

    I am working on stopping, but its not working out very well =(

  18. idk, thats weird ._. some people say doing that makes your fingers all crooked, im not sure if its true

  19. can also cause arthritis as you get older.  

  20. Contrary to popular opinion, there are no health risks or side effects to cracking your knuckles. Crack away.

  21. Yah, actually it does. It really sucks because i cant change it or anything. I tired to stop and it worked for a while.

  22. No only like in the winter ur fingers swell up.and hurrts

  23. My brother has been cracking his knuckles for years. Not only did it make the middle joint of each finger swell unpleasantly, it is an annoying habit. I suggest you drop it.
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