
Craft Ideas for a 4 year old!?

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Ok heres the deal. My parents are taking my 4 year old brother out of school 2 days a wek to save money this summer. I need ideas to keep hime happy and for him to learn in the process. I need craft and learning project ideas to do with him.

Thank you!




  1. Crafts should be simple: tearing, pasting, coloring, stringing beads very simple crafts that take less than ten minutes to complete.  As for learning, turn off the TV and play.

  2. Most 4 year olds love painting, which is fairly inexpensive for supplies.   You can also fill an empty dish soap bottle with water and pretend paint outside. Have him draw letters with the water which disappears.

    Playing with play-dough can be fun, let it dry overnight.  Make macaroni necklaces. Count noodles as you string them on yarn. Make your own bubble solution. Play memory/matching games.  Make up songs and poems as you play.  

    Prepare simple, fun and healthy recipes, like  fruit popsicles, ants on a log, peanut butter balls.

    I have so many ideas as I have taught preschoolers, but can't type them all.  I suggest the book "The Preschooler's Busy Book" published by Meadowbrook Press.

    You may also try these web sites for more ideas (go to the sites then look for the kids crafts section).

  3. I know this is harder when it's your brother but consider creating a routine.  It will definately help keep the days going smoothly.

    Have a time for games-I suggest helping him write all the games down that he wants to play over the summer...or learn to play on individual strips of paper.  Place in a container and at game time have him reach in and choose one.

    Have an art time- I would stay away from "crafts" and focus more on open-ended art.  Fingerpainting, brush painting, home-made brush painting, playdough-clay (he can help you make it), water colors, washable markers on window/sliding glass door, washable markers and spray bottles, marble painting, etc.

    Have a sensory time- this age still loves water play, sand play, bean play etc.  Adding farm animals or a safari animal set adds interest.

    Set a time to play outside- create obstacle courses; go to the park, play in the sprinkler, etc.

    How old are you?  Can you take him to the library once a week?  They usually have summer programs.

    Simple science experiments.

    Have him help you make snacks and lunch and even plan them.

    You are a wonderful sibling!  Have fun!

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