
Crafts for preschoolers?

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my mom is looking for easy crafts that preschool students could do....please give me ideas or a website!




  1. Have them work on learning how to disarm and dismantle IEDs.

    This way...after GWB institues the draft and ships them all off to Iraq, they'll be ready!

  2. I always use  

    It has a ton of seasonal ideas, animal crafts, ABC/123 crafts and more.  Some of the projects even have poems or songs to go along with them.  

    As a preschool teacher, I always find that kids love simple things- most of the time, they are things we would find boring.  Projects that combine a variety of fine motor skills are always great (for example, cut and glue activities).   Something just as simple as ripping or cutting up yellow construction paper and gluing it on a circle to make a sun is something that they love to do.  This would be good for a 3 year old, but you have to make it harder if your mom's students are 4 or 5.  Whatever you do, just make sure the projects are age-appropriate since children ages 3-6 have a very wide spectrum of abilities.

    I also like to read books and do a project based on the book.  For example, in my class after we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, we made our own caterpillars out of green construction paper circles and the children decorated them differently based on their own ability levels.  dltk-kids also has projects to do in conjunction with popular children's books.


  4. Please have her check out

    All printables are free and available for instant download.  We have lots of coloring pages (and suggestions for fun ways to use them besides just using crayons!), alphabet animal puppets (one for each letter of the alphabet), and more.  We add new crafts or information to site on almost a daily basis, and we take requests - so if she is looking for anything specific, all she has to do is ask.

    We are gearing up for the 2008 Summer Olympics and soon will have flags for each country competing.  

    Otherwise, there are already a lot of great sites mentioned!  Don't you just love the Internet?  :o)

  5. Easy Craft:

    -Free choice model making: cereal boxes, kitchen roll tubes, bottles lids, pasta wiht lots of glue, sparkles etc...chidlren can make their own models and learn about recycling!

    -Painting: Have a range of brushes such as toothbrushes, nailbrushes, pine cones, adult paintbrushes, thin ones, fat ones, sponges etc...chidlren can explore different mark making and patterns.

    -Spagetti painting-dip spaggetti into paint and then drag along paper...or fold paper put spagetti on one half-fold paper and push down-pull out spagetti and then open! Good for learn about symmtery.

    -Instruments: children can make drums, shakers (yoghurt pots and rice) etc and then they can use these are music time!

    Websites I use:

    I also look in magazines such as as I can see different ideas and then adapt them for my own I saw a lovely puppet making kit-looked at it online and realised I can make my own from resources in the cupboard!

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