
Craftsman 1/2 garage door opener.?

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I replaced the bracket that hold the motor to the ceiling. After I finished and reinstalled the motor back on the bracket I tested the door opener and it moved approximately 3 inches stoppped retunred to the orignial position and the lights blinked. I never removed the chain or any other part of the garage door opener. I merely supported it. I have never had a problem with this opener. Any helpe would be appreciated.




  1. You need to adjust the force on the open/close.

  2. if all u did was replace the bracket i woiuld say it is not level or not square to the door.....check that..

    lic. gen. contractor

  3. Is your rail still straight? If not, too much pressure can cause that.

  4. Did you change the pitch of the door opener? To say it another way, did you lower or raise the rear of the motor with the new bracket?  Can you pull the release trolly and have the opener cycle? Door still lifts manually, no coincidental problems there? Have any of the wires become disconnected? (Safety eyes perhaps?)

    If none of these questions help resolve the problem then I'd think you may have to change the force.

    Best of luck.

  5. If the light blink in a rapid series 10 times it means that your safety eyes are not in line or you jared the wires loose that go to your safety eyes. Mine was doing the same thing after i installed a new motor yesterday and it was the wires.

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