
Craig Busch The Lion Man: Do you think he is really doing any service for conservation?

by Guest31683  |  earlier

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Compare his methods with Auckland Zoo.

Auckland Zoo has a totally off hands approach and although they have some hands on animals such as the cheetah they primarily do that so they can invest alot of that money overseas to help rebuild the NATURAL AND WILD enviroments of the animals. This shows they truly care about the long term well being of the species.

Craig Busch on the other hand just keepson expanding his park and seems to just breed animals because their rare and because its a cool job for him rather than putting efforts into their natural wildlife.

I am totally making assumptions and generalisations here but i think his intentions are wrong in terms of the real conservation of animals.

What do you think?




  1. I think you are wrong because he is one man trying so hard to help animals that have been used in circuses. you need to understand that those animals would not survive being in the wild because they have been tamed.

    And another thing some of these animals are almost extinct. Why? because people are killing them for one thing or another. So all i can say is that Craig is doing the best he can to give them a home and a safe place they can call home and that's all they  need.

  2. Who cares why he is breeding rare animals when the end result is that there are more of these rare animals?  He is arguably doing more for some of these animals than the zoo as he is generating more income from them which is always a great motivator to preserve something.

    If DOC would breed some of the rare bird species in this country for sale to the public then the revenue from sales would go a long way to preventing them becoming extinct and would also spread their numbers. Conservation shouldn't be allowed to get mired in the idea that animals can only live in a natural environment.

  3. In considering that a group of nearly extinct black rhinos was recently butchered by Zimbabwe troops, that poachers are wiping out other endangered species... it may be that Busch is creating a virtual Noah's Ark for these creatures.  In the wild, they are not safe from man.

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