
Cramp in my chest? when i was running today for first time in 30days and felt like clog in my chest?

by  |  earlier

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like an 'artery' blocked in my chest and feels heavy and uncomfortable.

gets worse while running?

is this a cramp???

how get rid of?




  1. dont run so fast or long. take it easy from the 30 days off. little by little is the way to go, also talk to your doctor.

  2. I was on my schools Cross Country team and i got that during the first week when i start running again.

    Its just a cramp, if you keep running it will get rid of itself.

    Even though it will get worse until it just stops.

  3. its just from being inactive for a long period of time. i ran the other day and got the same chest pain because it had been awhile since i had run. in order to get rid of it just start running more on a regular basis or slow your speed down and limit the amount of time you run for.

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