
Cramping at 8dpo?

by Guest66946  |  earlier

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I am desperately trying not to read into this more than I should but I have had mild cramping in lower abdominal since yesterday and tonight they are a little worse, almost like period cramps, mild ones. I am coming into 8dpo and I have also been experiencing lower bachache on and off today and I don't know if it makes a difference but I'm FREEZING!!! I took a temp to see what it was out of curiosity and it's 36.5c, am not recording it because it's not a first morning temp. I was hot this morning, my temp was 37.1c, yes I'm charting BBT, this is my first month .... here is my chart if you would like to check..... has anyone else experienced this and gotten a BFP??




  1. You could be experiencing implantation cramps, are you having any spotting or bleeding too?  I had experienced cramping and spotting whent i got pregnant, and  I was cold all the time, its wierd cuz most women are hot, lol.  You should wait to see if you miss your period, if you do then take a test.  

    Also you chart is not working, you have to set it up.  If you choose Sharing from the menu options, then  Home Page Setup, select the cycles you want to display and all other options, then save it. Below where you see, Your Charting Home Page Web Address: thats the link you copy and paste where ever you want.

    Good Luck, and Lots of Baby-dust!!!

  2. Trying not to read into it, lol that is near impossible isn't it. Well the timing of these cramps and other things is perfect for implantation, And WOW at your waking temp of 37.1, that's really a jump isn't it.Unfortunately your link isn't working, if you could correct that, your chart may give more indication.

    But from what I've read it does sound very promising indeed.

  3. i had mild cramps and lower back pain from 7 dpo, which i don't normally get that soon, so you could well be pregnant, i tested at 10dpo and got a pos, so i would do a test in about 4 or 5 days time good luck
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