
Cramping but no period is that a sign?

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Ok so I have been cramping for the past week basicaly. Never more then twice a day and it only last for like 30 seconds to a minute. This will be the first day of my missed period. I have missed periods before and not been pregnant. But never have I had a weeks worth of cramps and no period. They dont feel like normal cramping for me though. I normally get the very much makes you wanna curl up into a ball and cry all day cramps for the first day and its over. But that comes with heavy bleeding for three days and then its all over. Anyways, My period always starts between the 29th and the 3rd. I thought I was gunna start because of the cramping yet nothing. I have been pregnant before but I had a miscarriage and I experienced no signs. Well except for the extreme tiredness but I didnt even know that was a sign til after I found out I was pregnant. Right now I have been extremly hormonal according to my Fiance and my roommate. I have no idea what they are talking about. Oh ya neither of them know that I think I might be pregnant. Thats where the thoughts came from because I honestly didnt realize I was beeing so moody. My b***s dont hurt but my nipples do. I smelled this orange my roommate was eating last night and I couldnt figure out what it was because to me it smelt horrible and I love oranges. I have taken three test now and they have all come out negative but I also know I have low hormone levels. Thats why I didnt know I was pregnant the first time until my mom made me take a blood test. I know this sounds like another one of the curious teenage girls posting becuse they are young and dumb. Seriously I am wanting some oppions before I decide to go to the doctor to have a blood test done. My finace is in the Army and is deployed at the moment. So I do not want him getting his hopes up and then dissappointed. He has enough to get dissappointed about. All my bills are sent online and he checks them so he would see the doctor bill and start asking questions. So please give your best opions and thank you. God bless!




  1. Your situation sounds a lot like mine kinda.

    You should really not put it off I think that you should go get a blood test done because you need to know. and you never know maybe he will get his hopes up and be satisfied!

    Good luck to you

  2. Could be. Home pregnancy test 7 days after a missed period for the greatest accuracy in results.

    Pregnancy Signs:

  3. To me it sounds very possible that you could be pregnant.. If you want to continue putting off doctor then you will just have to wait it out.. Treat your body as though it were pregnant and wait a week after your peroid is due and retest with morning pee.. My mum had low hcg in urine so when I was pregnant I didn't even bother with the urine test went straight for the blood with a positive result.. But now I'm in the same boat as you waiting till thurs to test with hpt.. Good luck.. If it gets the better of you just go get a blood test and explain to your partner that you really tried to wait I'm sure he'll understand and enjoy being involved- you don't have to go through it alone.. hope you get your positive BABYDUST TO YOU!!

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