
Cramping in lower abdomen??

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has any one experienced this?? i have a 28 day cycle. my husband and i tried to conceive for the first time this month. so i should have ovulated on the 17th. we had s*x on the 16 and 17th. for the past few days i have been experiencing these pains in my lower abdomen. kinda where i can feel ovulation. its sometimes on one side or the other. not constant, but here and there through out the day. I should be due to get my period on the 31st. its never a day late! and i never experience any pre period cramping until maybe the day before. Any one experience this before?




  1. cramping can most definitely be a sign that you are pregnant.i had so much cramping in my first months.good luck

  2. Cycles are different for every woman. Just because your cycles are "always" on time doesn't mean that it will be THIS month. Many issues can affect your cycle. You are probably experiencing menstrual cramps.  

  3. search google yahoo  

  4. What you may be experiencing is implantation.  You may even notice some spotting around the time your period would be due.  Implantation of the embryo can cause some cramping.  Some women compare it to PMS type symptoms.

    I had cramping around the time my period was due, but it never came and sure enough, I was pregnant!

    Good Luck!!

  5. I have also heard that slight cramping is normal in the beginning.  I had dull cramps when I found out that I was preg. this past feb.  It really worried me so my doctor did some blood work and found out that my progesterone was low.  He immediately put me on prometrium and baby aspirin.  I hope this answer doesn't scare you, I just wanted to share what happened to me.  This pregnancy sadly ended in a miscarriage at 8 wks.  My doc did hormone testing on me before I got preg. and found out that my prog. levels weren't as high as they needed to be.  

  6. Im experiencing the same thing right now. i ovulated the second week of the month and last week I experienced light pink spotting and have been cramping on my right side for a week now. I praying and hoping Im pregnant and im sending you a truck load of baby dust that you are too. Good luck!

  7. I often had that type of cramping before my period arrived.  The cramping I had when i was pregnant was sort of similar but different at the same time.  If you are getting it now and have never had before then maybe you are pregnant.  Good luck.

  8. During early in my first trimester, I experienced menstural-like cramping and what felt like ovulation pain - I actually experienced that a lot, definitely on the sides. I also cramped more before the time that AF was meant to be due the month I concieved. These changes you are feeling may be due to being pregnant!

  9. cramping was my sign that i was prego

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