
Cramping while ovulating?

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Okay this is the problem..

for over a year ive been ttc..well depo shot had made me irregular..Finally got back on track..

Since i have had sharp continuous pains in my left lower abdomen area. when i told my doctor he said great then your ovulating! Well no period yet in two months though? Pregnancy test says negative...any ideas? Do you really cramp while ovulating? sounds kind of fishy..any medical answers would be great!




  1. no u don't get cramp while ovulating. ur body just changing.. if u don't get ur next period and done other test negative...go to your doctor asap

  2. I cramp when I ovulate.  

    It's different than menstrual cramps, tho.  It's sharper and at times (when it peaks) so painful I don't even like to walk.

    Menstrual cramps I find duller, more "achy" and more diffuse across a broader area.

  3. Oh yes.  It was my early warning signal to get out and use the panty liners.  No more surprise messy accidents.

  4. Some women do get pain when they ovulate. It is described as being different from menstrual cramping. It's called Mittelschmerz pain and you can look it up. It normally only lasts a few hours or days though how long has it been going for you? I don't know how your doctor knew you were ovulating just because you had a cramp, did he do any other tests like a blood test or something? There could be other causes for your cramping (e.g. an ovarian cyst) so maybe you should seek a second opinion or go back to the same doctor and ask him to find out the cause of the pain.


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