
Cramps, bloating, pms, etc...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and this is only my 3rd cramps are really bad....and i'm being a real b*tch(and my dad thinks i just have a bad attitude)(and need an attitude ajustment)...

Please tips for period, cramps, etc???




  1. I either take a hot bath, put a hot water bottle over the cramping area, or take Midol, Aleve, Aspirin,  any pill that works for me.  

    Hope this helps!


  2. Try taking paracetamol or another over the counter pain relief tablet.

    If the pain is really bad, you might want to consider seeing your doctor for stronger medication.

    You could also try the following:

    - having a bubble bath

    - going for a walk/doing yoga, or something else similar

    - placing a hot water bottle on your lower stomach

    If all else fails, get into your most comfy pjs and make a date with a feel good movie and a big bar of chocolate

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. take some menstrual meds like midol it will take care of the bloating, tiredness, cramps... which once these things are under contril the bit**iness will stop. try being a little more active on your period and that will help with the cramps.. as much as you just want to crawl in bed and die for a few days...exercise is what is best.

  4. well get use to the b**chyness cause there is really nothing you can do about that it's part of pms lol and for the cramps try a heating pad on your lower stomach and some advil or ibprofen and for your dad if your the only girl then he might want to read up on girls and there periods then he might see things a little better and not think you need an attitude ajustment lol but welcome to being a women and hope your cramps die down some bc i know what bad cramps are like.

  5. relax

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