
Cramps 5 days before period is expected...?

by  |  earlier

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I am TTC and my period is due about the 26th. I am having cramps on and off again the last few days but no period. I am confused...i took a test a week ago and it said neg, but i know i took it to early. I just couldnt resist! What may these cramps be signaling?




  1. Okay, my period is always on time and is usually normal. On average, I have one every 33 days. According to a fertility calculator, I was suppose to be fertile between the dates of December 8th to 13th. Well, I had a clear/white discharge on the 9th and 10th but had intercourse on December 9th. (Thursday)

    Right now, I don't have any of the monthly signs except for minor cramping and a little acne. So, this morning, I tested and it was negative but I'm still really nauseated and have mild cramping. I know that it's possible to get a false positive. So, I am unsure. Anyway, my period is due on the 25th. (5 days from now) I have had bad nausea for the past four days. It has been waking me up at night. It's getting pretty bad.

    Could I be pregnant? If so, is it too early to get severe nausea or is it even worth to test before my period?  

  2. hello

    well i started to get cramps ( 8 ) days before my period . i normally get cramps 2-3 days before i get my period. Ive been getting cramps on and off when i get them i get them strong . now im five days before my period and i still have these pains here and there , my b***s even feel alittle bigger and hurt only when pressed. unless you touch the sides then you feel a little pain or press down on the nipples. im worried, can i be pregnant? should i take a test?

  3. i am getting all this to i have been ttc and due on in 5 days i always feel sick but never am sick and also get dizzy and cramps in my belly and back. I keep getting my hopes up every month thinking im pregnant but i havnt been lucky is this just my period coming again?

  4. i'm now going through that my period is due on the 26 and i'm 8 days from that... and i'm trying to figure out what it is...could you keep us updated and let us know

  5. Hello all.  I am due on mu perioid in 2 weeks but im getting bad cramps, nausea in the morning although i haven't been sick.  Also, i get dizzy spells sometimes and feel i have to sit down.  Is this possibly meaning a pregnancy?  Really need help and answers and getting pregnant now isn't something i need at this point in life.

    Thank you all in advance.

  6. I'm experiencing same thing :) Good to know, I'm not only one... I also get random waves of nausea throughout the day! Good luck.

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