
Cramps around period time?

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what does that mean? or is it just a sign that my period is coming up because right now is around the time i should start my period




  1. Yes, period coming.

    Drink some chamomile tea. I think many of you won't believe this but try a strong cup and see what happens.

  2. yeah that's just PMS(premenstrual symptoms)

    don't sweat!

  3. yes i cramp right before my period

  4. michael, is there any other kind of v****a

  5. Yes, it's quite common.

    Not to worry, although not every woman gets them, it

    is typical of that time of the month.

    I like to think of it as my little alarm, letting me know that it's almost time for my period. Sometimes I get it early, and since I get cramps right before, I rarely ever have an unpleasant surprise. Thankfully, I work in a retail store, so if one day I was surprised, I could quickly buy a new pair of panties and change in the ladies' room.

    Cramps can be so painful, and when I get them I also have a feeling of nausea. That's when Motrin comes in handy.

    Just keep a small pill holder in your purse, with Motrin, and you'll be just fine.

    Also, avoiding caffeine, and salty/sugary snacks will lessen your cramps, because those things cause water retention.

    If you are able to lessen any water retention during that time, it will help to lessen the pain. For those of us that have salty/sweet cravings during that time, it's a catch 22, because we don't feel good unless we get what we're craving, but then later on we feel worse again, because of the pain from water retention.

    Of course you know how to solve that problem if you have it, right? Tea. Tea gets rid of excess water, and although caffeine is at least said to cause it, decaffeinated tea would be just fine.

    So there are a few helpful little hints for you.

    I'm sorry that you suddenly began getting cramps.

    That really stinks, but at least now you know how to ease them :)

  6. probably just a sign your period is going to start soon.

    I usually get a stomach ache  a day or 2 before mine.

  7. You cramp because your uterus is contracting and you're period is just around the corner, usually you have cramps a day before your period and go away by the 3rd day.  Really depends on the person.

  8. Cramps during your period can sometimes be a very intense pain in your lower abdomen, where your ovaries are located. Many women experience them, and you can purchase an over-the-counter medication like Midol to relieve the pain.

  9. yea your just gonna start on your period,cs your back, n your b***s are sensitive

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