My boyfriend has been having chronic pain in his left leg for a month! It's at the back of his thigh above his knee and now the pain has spread to the knee too. It's so bad he can barely drive or do anything but he suffers through to go to work and make ends meet. He isn't active, he never exercises and now its too painful to start. He works at Gamestop wear he stands for at least eight hours a day. We have no insurance so we have avoided taking him to the doctors but I have tried Icy Hot, ibuprofen, a multivitamin with potassium and buying high potassium foods. We also massage it nightly but not good these are only temporary fixes, I don't know if the vitamins work or not.
Any ideas as to what it could be? Any helping tips?
BTW: it hurts the most when he's sitting and feels the best when he's standing.