
Cramps/ running question?

by  |  earlier

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wanting to get into shape with running to start with i've never been the best runner out there..

I've invested in an excellent pair of running shoes..I avoid food a few hours before i run ..and i drink a lot of water the night before..but i still get cramps, really really bad in my lower abdomen..

any way on fixing or avoiding this ? its affecting my running big time.




  1. I actual feel better when I run with a decent amount of food in me...but the cramping is from your muscles not getting enough oxygen. Make sure you take deep breaths in while running....also it could be from your running posture...make sure you head is up and not hanging down...this will help with the breathing as well...hope this helps. Try some gaterade while running not before tho

  2. Establish a rhythm to your breathing.  Experiment.  Breath in for the count of 4 and then out for the count of 4.  Or try in through your nose and out through your mouth.

    And even more hydration has to help.

  3. Lol dude u have to strech everytime before u run and after also

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