
Crampsss!!? ?

by  |  earlier

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hi. i get really bad period cramps and also i play a lot of volleyball (club and high school) and i have this condition where my knee hurts constantly.. i'm supposed to grow out of it but i'm not done growing apparently so yea..

anyway to the point.. as of now i've been using the ace kind of heating adhesive for my knee where you just stick it to your knee but it doesn't work well; where can i get the kind of heating pad that you plug in.. both for menstrual cramps and anything else??




  1. any store even a doller store mostly walmart or a local drug store

  2. walmart  

  3. Try Pamprin Max.  It is made for aches, and menstrual pains and symptoms.  You can purchase it at at just about any store, such as Walmart, Walgreens, Target, K Mart, or Jewel.  

  4. um pinch and bend! ! ! ! !
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