
Crampy 2 dpo ... is this a good sign?

by  |  earlier

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me and hubby are ttc number 2!

we had s*x on all of our "good" days to make a baby and now I am 2dpo and I am crampy.... in my 1st preg I didn't get symptoms until a week after ovulation...

whats going on?

I am also tired and have a creamy cm and getting twindges along with the cramps.




  1. I would not think that you would get symptoms so early. If you are only 2dpo, then nothing would've implanted yet, so technically it would be impossible for any HCG to be in your system this early, which is what 'makes" the symptoms.

    I think you are mentally creating symptoms b/c you are hoping so much!

    Good luck and baby dust.

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