
c**p! D: Brown recluse help?

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Okay, just a few minutes ago I was browsing around youtube. Then, I look up and see a little brown spider crawling on my wall. So I'm thinking "Holy ****! D:". I studied it for awhile, and looked up "brown recluse" on google images. Sadly enough it looked a lot like those spiders in the pictures, which is really getting me paranoid. *arachnophobia issues* I have no idea why I didn't squish it. D;

now its hiding in my curtains and possibly on my computer desk now.

What I don't know, is if it had that mark on its back...cause I didn't know. Anyways. I know about how big brown recluses can get! I just need to know how big are the babies. I'm kinda freaking out, because if that's only a baby, and it is a recluse....then couldn't there be a nest somewhere? D: I'm also freaking out because I've seen pictures of what can happen if you get bitten by a brown

So, how big are their babies? And what if one my cats, or dogs finds one and eats it? Could they die?




  1. lmao

    "i saw a spider oh meh gosh"

  2. You should stay relaxed and make sure it doesn't get any where near you or your pets. Just just spray around all the little places in your house and spray them just in case the spider. The babies are medium but you know not massive. If the recluse is big enough it can kill you're pets but not a baby. Just watch out for you're pets and keep a bottle of spider spray around

  3. What I would do is, trap the spider and study it more closly. look up a picture of a baby brown recluse, and see if they are identical.

    and if you pet eats a baby, it most likely will not die, it has to get a little big bigger to kill a dog/cat.

    Good luck!!

    (i have arachnopobia issues too!)

  4. where do u live and y dont u just puch the d**n spider!!??!

  5. I was bit by a brown recluse in April.  If it was crawling on your wall it's not likely to be a recluse hence the name recluse, they are loners! They hide in dark undisturbed places like garages in back of water heaters, etc....

    pesticides are NOT effective in killing the recluse.

    See this web site:

  6. squish it with a shoe.

  7. hopefully you get bit and stop being a stupid *****

  8. why didn't you read up on it a little bit more

    idk what to tell you get some raid and spray it everywhere

    get an exterminator  

  9. Reading that made me grimace.

    Ahhh! That's so creepy. Don't know about the babies..

    I'd run and hide. o-o

  10. Where do you live? I am sure they have an indigenous zone. And there are non poisonous house spiders that mimic their appearance for survival.

    PS in addition to the limited living environment, the bite is far less deadly than many believe. Often even going unnoticed they very rarely result in death or even great discomfort.

  11. Brown recluse are one of the most dangerous spiders in the world...They only exist in certain states though.  Be so very careful.  You do not want your animals or anyone getting bit by one.  I would get a can of raid and squirt it and disgard it very carefully.  I also would not let your animals near it.  Im no spider expert but i have had two friends die from there bites in New Mexico.  Be Careful!

  12.   First of all don't panic as spiders are probable more afraid of you then you are of them and wont attack you unless they feel threatened. While its true that they do have a nasty bite, Brown Recluse  spiders  are a very shy creature.

      Secondly they are only found mainly on the east coast of the United States mainly the southern states so unless you are from that part of the country I wouldn't be too worried.

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