
Crappy ice skating blade?

by Guest34126  |  earlier

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i got new skates about 3 months ago along with new boots aswell. i use to have the Ultima Mark IV but i switched to Majestic by John i cant do a scratch spin if my life depended on it. my spins use to be fine. and now i cant do the easiest one! i thought i was moving up to a higher blade. when i first got them and i couldnt do any spins i was told that it was just a matter of time, but its been 3 months and im not getting any better.

what blades are good for spinning rather than jumping, or even better.. good for both?

thanks for your advice.




  1. Johnson skates are brilliant. They are good for spinning and jumping, and are designed for whatever level you're at.

  2. I love everything Jackson. I would marry Jackson skates if I could.

    It's funny that, that's not working out for you! But I don't use jackson blades. I use Pattern 99's. The picks are killer so be careful and I love spinning in them!

  3. I'm not familiar with Wilson blades (they aren't sold in Mexico as far as I know). I use MK Professionals which is a pretty good blade despite being technically below my level (I hate MK Phantom blades). I have no problems spinning with them.

  4. It the blade on your new skates possibly mounted differently than your old blades were? I would suggest going to your pro shop and asking them about this problem. It sounds like it is possibly the rocker you haven't adjusted to, a sharpening problem, or a mounting problem with how the blade was mounted.

  5. Don't get anything Jackson...Jackson can be really hard to switch you are noticing. If you want a really good spinning blade go for the wilson coronation ace. The are perfect freestyle blades as well as "spinning" blades. Happy Skating!

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