
Craving attention???

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Is craving attention from a relative okay and normal?

One time a particular relative gave my sisters a quick hug and passed me by and I was PISSED...

Is that normal?




  1. Well, it's normal to be jealous.  You wanted attention and when someone hugged your sisters and not you, you got mad.  It's okay to be mad.  Just don't get too mad.

  2. Do you emit any sort of body odor or have a history of heavy perspiration?  

  3. Hey! Don't worry about this, this is totally normal. I am the same way, but with friends. I have a group of really good girlfriends..and let's say we all go out and meet another group of people and they give hugs and say hi to everybody but me, I feel pissed too and offended. I mean, what makes me so different than my friends to not give me the attention like they gave them?

    I guess you just can't take it personally. People think so many different things at different times. You can't expect people to be on the same page as you or notice because there is too much going on. So therefore, just don't take it personal, and that relative will come around another time.

    My uncles are in town with my cousins and sometimes I feel like they acknowledge everybody but when somebody else says something they'll laugh and be polite, but then if I say something they don't say anything. It hurts because it stems from the idea that "what is wrong with me"....but you got to stop beating yourself up over these feelings and just live life. Say hi to them! Or put them in their place...say "Thanks for saying hi!"...say things jokingly though, not offensively....people come around and nobody is perfect. I definitely learned that the hard way.

  4. yes, its okay to crave attention. you just want to feel loved, its normal

  5. yep, i always have tht. dont worry ur not alone

  6. Yes it's completely normal to want attention and feel jealous when someone else gets the attention instead of you. Everyone just wants to feel loved and appreciated. I know I'm the same way sometimes and I crave attention too.  

  7.    Yep thats normal...
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