
Craziest thing you've ever done?Your sign?

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I feel so good I want to keep on asking questions.

I like school.

I like rain.

I'm random! ;D

It was just for fun ;D

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?




  1. i won't say it cuz people are gonna gimme a bunch of thumbs down and i'm upset as it is...sorry

    -cancer w/ aries rising and taurus moon

    edit: yeah. i saw 2 girls one cup. and then i watched it again...and again...and again...and again...and again...and then i threw up and stopped watching it.

  2. let me give a you a list of crazy thingS (with an "s") that i have done.

    1. stripped to my undies while lap dancing for a dare while my parents

        were in the living room (we were in the basement)

    2. fell of the stairs when i was little (probably the reason why i do  

        crazy things) :)

    3. played all the way to the top of the nervous game with a hot girl

        (this is a game where you start from the anklea nd go all the way  

        in between the legs while asking "are you nervous" each time you

        move up). i did this in the school bus

    4. accidentally ate frog legs in chili sauce, thinking they were chicken

    5. fell (and still falling) for unknown links that friends give me that

        that contain "things" i cannot mention


    PISCES SUN... surprising? my scorpio rising might help solve the mystery

  3. I do a lot of crazy and random stuff...come quite unpredictable..

    Jumped of two storey building in a spanish resort. All i can say is i was hyper, in the daring zone and ca-bang i bum landed on metal (that's a big shame on me right there -lol). This when i was on a trip with my school and the hotel had given the teachers a message to read at dinner time and it read as,

    "We want guests to take extra care of the health and safety well-being, and treat the hotel with much respect. We speak to those who were experimenting by trying to fly out of the window"

    I was sat there trying to hold myself together, whilst my friends sat round and couldn't help giggling...even when my teacher read the announcement she was laughing herself...

    Yeah that is one of the craziest things i have done...plenty more in hiding -lol.

    Sag (sun) ;-P

    Aries (midheaven)

    Scorpio (mars -It indicates the truth in me liking to part-take in extreme sports and activities -lol)

  4. Hm... I've actually done a lot of crazy things. My Sagittarius moon and rising I guess....

    I ran into a busy intersection when I saw a child that had run into it (I don't know why). I grabbed the child and ran to the other side. His mom was in the store across the street. nobody was hurt of course, just the vehicles....

  5. Had a lot of hardships and family drama when I was a teenager - so I ran away for about 2 months...completely lived on the streets (literally) for 2 months...then, when I was finally at the end of my rope - I called my mom to come and get me from a payphone...and asked her to buy a pack of cigarettes too! Not the best thing I've ever done - but definitely the craziest!

    Sun/Sag Rising/Cap Moon/Scorpio

    LOL! My BF actually saw the 2 girls and a cup - he wouldn't let me watch it because it literally made him throw up - but he told me about it! Disgusting! Do you think that may have been a hoax? Digital effects and all?!

  6. I had s*x on top of an apartment building in plain sight of the people in the building next to it [no one was watching though]. It was fun because it was November and kind of cool and it was really high up [15 floors]. I was scared when I looked over the edge because it was the highest building in the area besides the other building.

    Pisces sun

    Aries moon

    Gemini rising

  7. Watched 2 girls 1 cup =X Please don't watch it.. Haha jk, I've done worse

    Edit.. Mmhmm! Gross :(  Did you see Mr Hands or Pain Olympics? haha..

    Gemini sun

    Scorpio moon

    Leo rising

  8. Repeled off a 300ft cliff. It was crazy and daring but fun after the first time

  9. I cant share that here. lets just say i am a very open person. i dont judge and if something is not going to get me landed in jail Ill try it at least once.

    I am a sag

  10. I took a two hour train alone at 15 years old in a foreign country, and walked back to the apartment I was staying at which was a half an hour walk. It was about 1 o' clock in the morning.

    Edit: Lol, I just watched that 2 girls 1 cup video, to see what all the commotion was. It didn't really bother me. I mean, sure it's gross, but I'm not that squeamish.


  11. I ACCIDENT LY shouted out in class that the teacher was wearing a g-string and you can see it.

    Im aquarius. =]



  12. I KNOW what shady B did. ;D

    *yea you know who you are* nice avatar.

  13. You like school and you like rain, so.. you're random?

    Not exactly.

    Its actually quite dumb. =)

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