
Crazy TEACHER!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i hate the man.this is the last week of school (THANK GOD).

so this teacher who thinks i'm his friend won't leave me's becoming very annoying.i'm a girl, yet he's so danm violent towards me.he sends paper at me and actually goes to the garbage for 0_0. my friend says he likes me but i think he's crazy.if he ''liked '' me why was he trying to slam his desk into me?i don't think that's how a teacher is supposed to act.i tryed talking to him but he said sorry and he is a rough person. i was just like wtf?i still have a week with this man.what should i do?

he think's it's a joke.

ps:this is NOT FUNNY!!!




  1. Go to your principal or, better yet, have your parents call up the principal to report this unprofessional behavior.

  2. Well there's only a week left. Send a letter to the school, you will hopefully never have to see him again after this year!

  3. If this is true then this man needs reporting.

    He is not behaving in a professional way - and quite frankly is behaving like a tosser.

    Get that man suspended.

  4. How old are you! If your under age he need to be reported. If your in college, i suggest you talk to a guidance counselor, or someone you can trust in case the situation gets out of control.

  5. This is indeed not funny.

    If you are a minor, it may be wise to tell a parent/guardian/other adult you can trust, and approach (not alone) the teacher about your concerns and objections.  If he does not stop this behavior, it may be wise to make sure you are not ever in one of his classes again.  It may also be wise to make this official.

    Be fair... but protect yourself.

  6. How would he think you're "his friend" and then be violent? This is a very bizarre post, and I would recommend you talk to your parents about this- it's very unprofessional for a teacher to act that way.
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