
Crazy Teen Driver?

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My neighbor has a 17 year old daughter that has been driving for 1 year. My family along with the other neighbors on our street cringe every time we see her go by. We live in a subdivison where the posted speed limit is 25 mph. I have passed her several times on our street and she was driving at least 50mph and she was in the middle of the road. I have had to hit my brakes and swerve to avoid hitting her on more than one occassion. We always know when she is home and when she leaves because she floors the gas everytime she takes off. Her parents have seen her leave like this on more than one occassion and I guess they don't have a problem with it. My neighbors and I are concerned that she is going to cause an accident. We have a lot of children in the neighborhood that like to get out and ride their bikes and we are worried that she may hit a child. We have thought about talking to her parents about her driving but are a little concerned about how we should go about it. Any suggestions




  1. I agree 100% with the previous answer and wold only add 1 thing, point out to the parents (in a nice way) that if their daughter were to hurt or kill a person and be convicted of reckless driving as the cause she could be convicted of vehicular manslaughter and go to jail. Would they want her mad at them now or missing them and her life later. Call the police only after you have given the parents and the child to understand how badly she may damage her life and/or others

  2. This happens all the time all over and all you need to do is contact the police department and tell them what is going on, they will contact the parents and the driver and talk with them and explain what will happen if she is caught and it wont be pretty, I have done the same thing to my neighbors son and he drives like a person with a brain.

  3. Contact a police officer and politely ask him to sit in your neighborhood in a bit of a hidden place (Or allow him to sit in your driveway, hidden) when you know the girl will be zooming around. Ask the officer to scare her a little bit with the possibility of a ticket to stop her from doing this in the future.

  4. I know how you feel. I'm 16 and my sister is 17. She would turn a corner and I'd end up in her seat-literally. The best thing to do is talk to her parents or if that doesn't help, talk to a cop and have them sitting there in an unmarked car. The moment she goes over the speed limit, they will ticket her. Either she will learn from this, her parents will make her stop driving, or she will get more tickets until she racks up enough points to lose her license. I hope this helps.

  5. Report her driving to the local police. Maybe they'll come patrol your street.. and give her a ticket next time she is driving 50+ mph.  Maybe her parents will ground her from using the car.. or something?? You can report reckless driving especially if its a area that there are alot of small children... she could kill someone!

  6. That is a recipe for a disaster for sure. I don't blame you. I would talk with an officer. Go to them though, don't call them to your place. It should be confidential. Maybe someone of authority will pull her over. She may get a ticket....but, it will be a learning experience for her. Good luck.

  7. She will be getting plenty of tickets, and if she's lucky and doesn't KILL anyone, will lose her license before long.

    It's obvious her parents don't have the gonads to lay down and enforce some rules on driving habits, so you're probably wasting your time talking to them. I wouldn't bother. They will just become your enemy because you complained about their precious little angel.............

    If she were MY daughter, there would be an electronic device on her car that tracks speed, driving habits and location for me to review. If she complained, I would pull her keys and tell her to walk.

  8. First off.... her parents ARE your neighbors.  Do you have the kind of relationship with them that would allow you to talk to them about your and the neighborhood's concerns without starting an argument or causing bad feelings between you and them?    If you can talk to them without it becoming a shouting match, I would tell them that you are concerned with the way their daughter drives through the neighborhood, and that you know they have seen her drive like this themselves.   Tell them that you would appreciate them having a talk with her and getting her to drive more safely in the neighborhood.   Tell them that if she doesn't improve in a short period of time, then you and others in the neighborhood will take the next step and be contacting the police.   Make sure they know that this is NOT a personal attack on them.   It is an appeal from a neighborhood who have concerns for the safety of their children and property.   It is a request for them to speak with their daughter, and to take action with her before the police have to become involved.   They will ( or should ) appreciate the opportunity to correct the situation before the police become involved, and it begins to cost them money in increased insurance rates and court costs and fines.   Don't go to them like a raging maniac, they will only become defensive and you will alienate them.   Remember, they are your neighbors and will probably be living close to you for many years to come.  It's an ugly situation if you can't get along to at least some extent.

  9. first answer is right call the police tell them that you feel that someone is in real danger and you WANT an undercover police sitting on your street, and you could also start a petition and give it to the police if they dont listen or i dont no how this works but you could preform a citizens arrest i think.
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