
Crazy adevertisment?

by Guest65392  |  earlier

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I was just on a website where they had an advertisment, where it said if you want to pay less on your auto insurance it said, you must put down zip code and adress of where you park at night, has anyone else seen this?




  1. I know exactly what you are referring to.   There are "Insurance Internet Leads" companies who place advertising on other websites to harvest potential customer data.  They sell this data to insurance agents.  Every "lead" (every customer who puts their information into the system) is sold to 3 to 5 insurance agents who are targeting customers in that specific zip code.  You may receive phone calls from 5 agents, each with a handful of potential quotes, all within 15 minutes!  It's a timing game for the agents; they are all ready to pounce.  

    NetQuote, Quote Wizard and InsWeb are three Internet Leads Generation companies that place advertising on various websites to collect potential customer data in this fashion.  

    I hope this helps!

  2. No, but that sounds more than daunting!  Why would someone need to know where I park my car at night but to come over and try to steal it?!!  Perhaps they mean if one puts their car in a garage or such, but I wouldn't trust that ad as far as I could throw it and that isn't very far ;)

    The AAA/'three A's' ('american automobile association') tend to have a pretty reasonable auto insurance plan.  Please remember to get 'no fault' as I believe that it's usually suggested in case of (heaven forbid) an accident.  I've heard that geico, on the other hand, doesn't like to pay medical claims from auto accidents, just fyi.

    Website where former consumers post complaints about companies: and can type into search with first letter capitalized.  Though if don't see a company posted about, doesn't necessarily mean that it's ok :)
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