
Crazy cats!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Basically my cat is becoming more aggressive and she randomly attacks me by jumping on my legs and scratching them. She looks possessed and her eyes look wild. No, I did not abuse my cat or hurt her in any way. I have no clue whats wrong with her!

What can I do about my cat? Are there any medications or shots that can help her become less aggressive? I already tried to be more loving by getting her new toys and treats




  1. Oh my, my one kitty does the same thing.  His ears go back and he gets this grumpy look on his face and then BAM he's clawing my leg.  We got a squirt bottle, but that is not usually in reach when this happens, which is all the time.  But yeah, nothing is wrong with your kitty, she just wants to play with you.  It may seem agressive, but there is nothing to worry about.  I promise!  The best thing to do is probably ignore her so she doesn't get the impression that this is a good way to play with you because you're playing back.   Craaaazy cats!

  2. Cats are known for doing things like this. I don't know if she's thinking she is playing? I'd say get a water pistol and when she goes to lunge at your legs squirt her in the face. Cats hate water in their faces and I'm sure you would only have to do it a few times.

  3. it could be a neurological disorder, in other words she could be epileptic and having mini seizures, I would talk to your vet and get her on some phenobarbital, I think this is an easy fix, she just needs to see the vet

  4. Don't worry, she's not being aggressive.

    My cat does this all the time, their just playing and going wild.

    So I don't think their is anything wrong with your cat, maybe to calm her down rub down the side of her neck and stroke her back gently. That always works for my cat.

  5. I am not a vet but no one is answering your question.first you should cover her claws with soft paws they are prostetic nails that way she doesnt scratch you then I would train her not to bite spraying her everytime she tries to bite.I hope this helps.and for future refrance maybe you should not ask for just answers from vets.

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