
Crazy dream, but I ask myself what it meant....

by  |  earlier

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I dreamt my mother who is over 40 was pregnant, but she had womb cancer when she was younger so that would be impossible, my stepfather also can't have children. In my dream my parents told me that my mom was pregnant and I pointed at my mother and said "but you can't have children" and then I pointed at my stepfather and said "and you are infertile". Why would I react like this in my dream?




  1. The dreams suggests that you have wanted something from your mother but you realized she is unable to give that to you.   The same is true for  your stepfather.  It is likely there was some type of emotional support that you desired from them but that you never received.  The dreams indicates that you realize they do not have the ability to give you what you want or wanted.  It is likely the only person who can give you want you want is you.

  2. There are two types of Dreams:

    1) Those that are surreal and have a meaning because the subconscious mind is communicating with the conscious mind.

    2) These dreams that have no meaning and are just random memory cell that ' fire at random'.

    Your dream was of type 2 and has no meaning, it is very bad that you choose to publicise this dream on a public forum, your should think about how your parents feel about you making this dream a matter of public knowledge, would you want people to make public;

    dreams (If any) in which you appear in a bad light.

    You can learn a lot more about dreams and when they are 'speaking to you' start by familiarising yourself with the work of Carl Jung.

    I wish you all the very best of good fortune in your quest to better understand dreams and their meaning.

  3. Because it's true, and most people would be confused! Your dream sounds like it meant nothing, it just messed with your head.

    answer mine?

  4. Your mother have a great need to nurture or she will have a new goal in her life ; the way you react is normal ; because you know she cannot conceive and its in your subconsious ; so you react in the dream like would have react in your walking life  

  5. That was in deep of your haert ,it's an opjaction on your mother because she get married after your father.Why u married this guy mam...

  6. Perhaps you generally are very careful not to hurt people's feelings but sometimes that is at the cost of actually telling the truth. Not in the case of your parents of course, but that is just the point of the dream. Maybe it is time to speak your truth, witholds are a great zapper of our own energy, they make us resentful and wish we had said something, say it! Not to hurt, but when someone asks your opinion, tell them. Instead of telling them what they want to hear, go for it, they asked! I think you are renowned for being kind and thoughtful, but sometimes that is at the cost of our own peace of mind.

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