
Crazy dream i had...need someone to tell me meaning?

by  |  earlier

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im going to make this nice and short with detail...i was with three women in my family who im close to and we was going to one of there friends house, when i walk in the house, it was an older lady(45+ no older than 50) in her rocking chair,everyone said hi, i sat down in a recliner chair right accross from her,she turned quickly and starred at me in my eyes, i didnt look away i just starred at her also. we kept eye contact and she put out both of her hands for me to put mines on top of hers. we both stood up never losing eye contact with each other and when i put my hands on top of hers, i had a weird feeling come over my body, it felt like i was sucking all of her energy out of her body or taking her soul(my eyes started to roll in the back of my head and my body was shaking like h** the dream and real life). she feel to the ground(i was mentally Conscious )...i was kind of scared but then that went away so i kept my hands on top of hers...and then she looked up at me and said something along the lines of,the way i bite the apple will determain the way my life will turn out or something like that, it was something about my life...and then i woke up...i remember everything in detail, the way the women looked,the people in my dream,the house,and even the car we drove...i would like to know what this the way the women house we went to, she knew how to read people and dreams and i dont know if that helps or not....and the family members that were with me know how to read people also....i dont know if that helps or not but can anyone help?is it a spiritual thing or what?




  1. You watch too much TV. Frankly, I think that's it.

  2. it seems spiritual in nature, but I'm not certain of the meaning.

    How did it make you feel?  Frankly, it kind of creeped me out.

    reminded me of the story of Adam & Eve.  She was deceived by the

    snake into tasting the fruit, and because of that decision, life for her

    changed drastically; and not for the better.

    All I can say is be careful of the choices you make.  the consquences

    could have a negative effect on your life.

  3. This mean u'll vist her hous & she'll read ur mind & tell u about ur future life.

  4. crazy dream, i think it might be a little more spiritual. the only thing i can put together is that the holy spirit entered your body. hope i could help a little bit...

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