
Crazy friend won't accept that she is mentally ill?

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i ahve recently met with an aold friend after 7 yrs of non contact. the thing is she is completly raving bonkers. she began to tell me that she has been on journeys that have given her experiences and that we are all beings etc etc..she told me that she has been arrested and has charges on her that she was taken to the mental hoss but she left. i aksed her if they assessed her there and if she had a diagnosis. she told me that the pyschologist told her ashe was going through a change in percepetion..whats this??

she is clearly not right, she told me that she communicated with her ex boyfriend through his spirits and her spirits...he is still alive and has not been in contact with her since their 6 week fling 7 yrs ago. i tried to tell her that it was not healthy for her to be still hanging onto him this far along.

how can she get help/diagnoisis or will she just turn into a crazy person that can never fit into society??




  1. Your friend may not be as crazy as you think,but you sound really concerned that she has changed and is in need of  help,suggest to her that she might like to talk to someone about her experiences/perceptions etc and that you care about her are concerned. Be there for her and listen.If this doesn't work  maybe you could talk to someone for help?  

  2. you really need to think about the way you are talking to her,if you used some of the words you have used in this question i am not surprised she hasnt listened to you

  3. she isnt crazy, you are dumn thik

    and your society

  4. Sounds like she is already a crazy person who won't fit into society- a bit like the first answerer you got....

    I'd go back to not seeing her, you managed fine for 7 years, why start all over again?

    Let her doctors take care of her, you don't need the nonsense in your life!

  5. Anyone who has ever been around a person with severe mental illness.. KNOWS that a key symptom of delusions or psychosis is that they are completely oblivious to what they are doing.  You also were told that she was hospitalized.. and the comment about "change in perception" completely fits someone who is probably delusional.

    One of the most common problems in treating mental illness is that they do NOT believe they are sick, and they refuse medication.

    You do not deserve being told that you did not recognize what you witnessed, or that you are just calling her names.

    What is important is that you do realize that you cannot talk her into being reasonable.  You can't talk someone with diabetes out of needing treatment for that, or cancer.  All of these are real medical illnesses.  

  6. Well if you don't like her then don't call her names and keep away from her. It looks and sounds like she may be the sane one here. Is she making you look stupid? I'mcuriouss about that? you don't seem concerned about her at all to me. You sound like your a calling her mean names and being the crazy one yourself in this situation. When you try to act like your all sane and all. How can you be when your making bad remarks about her and making fun of her while you hang out with her. I hope that you can seek out counseling, maybe you can ask your friend what is a good counselor for referral .  If she is good enough and if it is not to late, then maybe, she can take you alone with her while she goes. Good luck to the both of you. Have a blessed day.

  7. In a nutshell, leave her alone.  You're not God, her mom or a psychiatrist, and If you haven't seen her for 7 years, you're probably not that close.  You can suggest that she get help, but you can't make her get it.  Protect yourself from her, and hope she sees the light, but if her experiences so far haven't convinced hr that she has a problem, she's probably beyond your efforts.

  8. maybe try different wording,

    it sounds like shes either having you on, or if she really beleives this, and the 'spirits' are actually voices in her head, she may have an illness like bipolar or psychosis where relatliy becomes jumbled, masiive highs even pupils can dieliate as though on drugs while not taken anything (chemical imbalance in the brain)  laughing histerically at a blank tv, a wall, or nothing, believeing that they have just spoken to someone famous, that songs are wrote just for them,  server lows, depression, barely sleeping, blank expression

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