
Crazy i know i wanna be dancer for clubs&bars?

by  |  earlier

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Okay..when im a bit older i wanna dance maybe be a stripper at a its true i like to be s**y and i love the fast life.

I like to please people and i would lov eto be one. But how?

what would i need to have be flexible..what?




  1. Answer me this, just how old are you?  And I will think about answering your question.

  2. ummmmm gross! you must be a like 17 year old who cant think right! seriously dude! be a lawyer, beter then ur idea! you'll live on the streets if you do that! DUH! :I

  3. well, if you like to dance, then dance at like, a performing arts school. you'll still get to dance, but theres a less chance of you getting raped, and more a chance of you living a great and succecful life!!! im not telling you how to live your life, but be a different type of dancer. theres so many to choose from. dont degrade yourself that way.

    and if you want your question answered, then yes, if you want to dance, its best if your flexible.

    im a dancer and it took me 3 years to get to how flexible i am now. (i dance ballet and tap.)

  4. do a lot of bending excersizes,

    bend over and try to touch your toes as much as you can,

    just stretch as much as you can.

  5. haha i totally know what you mean, i feel the same way.yea you need to be flexible and strong so you can pull of dance moves on a pole lol. but don't be JUSt a stripper. yea you make g00d money, but you can't do that forever.

    you should do that like as a weekend job so that when your done you have a career or at least a job to fall back on and you will be financially well off (:

  6. you would just be degrading yourself don't do that

    yea you may get money quick but it's dirty money you will get called lots of names and guys will only see you as a hoe and most strippers are raped and or killed don't do that to yourself respect your body be smart chica don't be like them

  7. Exotic dancers make very good money, which is good since their career only lasts about ten years tops. Sock that money away or invest it and if you're smart, you won't end up a dried out, drug addicted punching bag for some broken down alcoholic, manic depressive. Good luck to you.

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