
Crazy long dream I had years ago. Any thoughts?

by  |  earlier

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. I jumped up on a platform and Coach Walker (my PE coach) told me that I had a phone call on line 2. I saw an old phone in front of me, and picked it up. It was a man’s, raspy voice. He was saying something and then he started over when I said hello. It was some story, about a girl who was stupid, and stopped to talk to a man with long hair, who would be killed. Didn’t she realize that she just had to think nothing to make the crystal work. Stupid, Stupid, girl. So, I dropped the phone and I concentrated on thinking nothing, and held the crystal. I noticed a pressure on my hand, like a magnet repelling. I jumped down to the man with long hair, and asked him if he wanted to come with me. Sure, he said. Ok, the women were close now.

They could stop me at any moment, and I had to escape. There were tall glass windows along the walls. I concentrated and jumped and kicked at the window, it didn’t break. After a few more tries, me, and the guy got out, but the women were




  1. First of I would like to say your dream is very detailed and seems like you keep tract of your dreams. Can you Lucid Dream?  I used to be able to but I lost that ability for some reason. Anyways I can't really make anything significant except point out that the little girl was in trouble and that you should have helped but you didn't.. And the yellow around her face well .. it means you didn't take action you kind of shrugged her off....


    The color yellow has both positive and negative connotations. If the dream is a pleasant one, then the color yellow is symbolic of  intellect, energy, agility, happiness, harmony, and wisdom. On the other hand, if the dream is an unpleasant one, then the color represents cowardice and sickness. You may have a fear or an inability to make a decision or **take action.** As a result, you are experiencing many setbacks)

    .... and the necklace you had with a Blue crystal seemed to be your trumpt card in close situations. So Blue: Was almost like your holy power you used it to escape when you believed in it and it also defeated that guy in the end.

    (Blue represents truth, wisdom, **heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your **spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind.)

    Overall I can't get to pinpoint of what this dream means. Was there a girl that needed your help or something or did you happen to watch a mythical movie before you went to sleep? I would like to know which it was please.


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