
Crazy mom? please help

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ever scince about 2 years ago my mom has been forgetting little things. i always get introuble for this. i am 13 and she is 37. im scared that this could get worse and i want to know how to prevent it from getting that way. an example is yesturday we went to the movies and it was 7. i asked for choclate and she said no bc she never lets me eat choclate beffore bed. she sais it has "caffene" i dont go to bed till 10 and she dosent remember that i hav choclate all the time beffore i go to bed. she sais i never do. another example was a year ago. i got paied 10$ a week for alowance and i missed 3 weeks of pay. she only paid me for 2 and stated that i was lying and i forgot. my stepdad says he remembers but he just tells me to stop arguing with him or ill get in trouble. today my little sister who is 9 was gong to get her nails done. my mom promased her a maniqure and a pedi. i heard this but they got in an argument bc my mom 4got and said she just said one mani or pedi. my sister is now crying bc my mom forgot what she said. i cant go either bc she punished me 4 the choclate. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I DONT NO WHAT TO DO. our bond is growing weeker just because she claims im always lying to get my way.




  1. unfortunately, I don't know what to do,sorry.But I feel super bad for you.Record what she says and then show it to her if she says she never said it.It might be hard,but thats all i can think of

  2. do you have a father, and Aunt, or other relative

    does she abuse by slapping or hitting real hard

    is there anyone you can tell all this too

    a teacher, a nurse at school

  3. Is your mom on any current medication that could be causing her memory loss? If not, I would get her a complete physical and make sure that everything is ok with her. Not just a body physical, but a mental physical as well. Something is going on with her for her to be forgetting things at this young of an age. Get her checked out.
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