
Crazy ****? or Just A Fluke?

by  |  earlier

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Right well this probably the weirdest thing that has happen this year,

I've been waiting around for my gf to come back from holiday, and to start with on my calender on the half wa point, the actual quote of the day states "Its been a good Beginning, Half is done" i thought nothing of it till i saw my star sign the next day saying that "my waiting game is over" and tat "you must wait it through to the end"

i took it all in all as a coincidence,

then the next day I'm out with my friends (who's a dodgy driver) and i claimed that at 8 o clock i bet we crash because of this driving, then bang on 8 o clock the alarm goes off and the car in front gets smashed to pieces!!!

either this is all just a giant fluke or some creepy s**z is going on here! fair enough it could happen to anyone but predicting a crash? come on!




  1. I say its crazy

  2. Even if this were true, which it most likely isn't.

    It would just be a fluke.

  3. it sounds a little crazy..

    but i wouldnt take the horoscope thing to literally..just wait for your gf. its the best you can do (:

    hope this helps!

  4. You have a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is, you believe something is happening and pick up on those things that support the belief. A variation of this is cherry picking where again you select facts that support your belief. Those things that would disprove the belief are either ignored or discarded.

    Consider the halfway point. We all tend to be aware of the halfway point of a trip, vacation or a upcoming event. It's special to us. We both expect and notice things about the point. However, how many copies of your calendar were printed? How many people found that saying, on that day, important? You appear to have found ONE saying out of 365 important. Why wasn't there something special about the date before of the day after? Could you go back and retroactively "find" some meaning? Sure you could.

    We've all bashed a finger. Once bandaged, or in a splint, we've been amazed at how many times we, or someone else, bumps the thing. The number of bumps really doesn't increase because of the injury. We notice them because of the accompanying pain. It's the same thing as what you noticed.

    As for the car accident, you state your friend is a bad driver.That markedly increases the odds of an accident. You prediction was "i claimed that at 8 o clock i bet we crash because of this driving" However, that didn't happen. The accident wasn't due to your friend's driving and you didn't crash. It happened to another car! You have to place this in the "close but no cigar" category. I was you that chose to count it as important.

    BTW what standard did you use to establish "The exact same time"? A wristwatch?, NBS radio signal? Time/Temperature sign? It was "close" but not "exact." Then there was factors of weather, traffic, and ability to consider.

    This linking of a "close enough" event to a prediction is a technique used by most "psychics." Given a room of people the 'psychic" will toss out some vague "I'm getting a message from someone with a name that starts with "R."  Odds are someone will speak up "Oh uncle Robert" and off they go. The "psychic" neither said it was "Robert" or that it was an "uncle" or identified the person that responded.

    Here's something. For the rest of the day you'll see the number "4" It will come up again and again. Watch for it. Why would it work? You're expecting to see it. The rest of the numbers won't be ones you'll be looking for

  5. Neither crazy nor fluke. Prophecy has been a recognized phenomena for a very long time. Regards UK

  6. He said he'd crash at 8 and you were with him when he was driving a vehicle during this time period.  Could it be he crashed it on purpose to make it seem like what he said came true?

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