
Crazy or real stupid?

by  |  earlier

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when im real bored and alone, if i come across a mirror i stare at it for at least an hour laughing at it, thinkin its a tv and that my reflection is some stoner comic, and i start improving in front of it and laugh histerically (however its spelt). so am i just retarted or a lil crazy?




  1. I recommend spell check for you. Laughing is healthy, bad spelling in the age of computers is stupid.Not using spell check IS crazy, if you cannot spell yourself.

  2. Little of both.

  3. i would say both.

  4. right... you should go see a professional

  5. I think that u might be alittle crazy....

  6. What like me calling myself a idiot when i watch a vid of me practiceing pool some shots look like a 5 year old kid shooting  you cant laugh at anyone else you can always laugh at yourself it might help a lot of people i know!!

  7. Both, but whatever works man.

  8. Both. Get help.

  9. no your not crazy or stupid, for one stupid your not because it takes brains to come up with some thing that off the wall to keep yourself entertained and Crazy i think is too strong a word maybe your just a little unwell! you need more mingling with real people possibly? hum or maybe this is a start to a brand new beginning as a stand up comedian?

  10. Nah, It's just entertainment, when I'm bored I watch myself in the mirror in a hypno-gaze, which makes me look like I'm getting older. It means if you're ever stranded in an island all you need is food, water and a mirror for entertainment

  11. LOL, try calling yourself and talking on two phones, is hilarious too! I do this all the time!

    I think your boredom has gotten ahold of you. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does crazy things when I'm bored!!!

  12. I'd say you need friends, or a good TV show to watch. Whichever works for you.

  13. Cookie Philosophy:

    A man stands naked, in front of a mirror, eating a bowl of soup.

    He is a fool.

  14. i'd say you are a little retarded and quite possibly crazy...

    It's your REFLECTION :O


  15. i think comic impersonators spend untold hours in front of a mirror getting it right.  Your face is probably very expressive, a man of few words, no doubt.  As long as your not hurting anyone, fully clothed, and sober.........i vote not crazy...but i totally agree with the above comments regarding spelling. So you're not off the hook for being stupid.

    And the more i think about it, you can be very very crazy, just don't be stupid, or broadcast your stupidity/laziness,  they'll eat you alive.

  16. Maybe a little crazy....who isn't though....maybe you should try acting or something.

  17. I have heard of people doing weirder things! you say you think your reflection is a stoner comic and he makes you laugh. Well guess what there is no thinking about it !  You are the stoner comic! This is what infants and toddlers do to entertain themselves. If you like regressing back into that state every now and then when you are bored, who are we to judge!

  18. Your just entertaining yourself. Although we expect people to be entirely neutral when they are alone, the reality is society oppresses our true side. Most people are completely outrageous and like doing weird things. Your just expressing your sense of humour, and naturally who have some admiration for yourself. That's a bonus. You must truly love who you are, something not enough people do. Hey, maybe your love for improv. will turn into a passion, perhaps acting? Or, you can continue to just enjoy the little things in life. Rock on little friend.

  19. well.....i'm sure your mom thinks your cool

  20. lmao @ first poster , "hollywood material"

  21. both!!

  22. I think you are Hollywood material.
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