
Crazy scenario. Maybe some one will know...?

by  |  earlier

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So I was bulimic and got caught shoplifting food from Fred Meyer's. The woman took me in, wrote some stuff on the computer, and seemed really pissed at first because I was SO scared, crying, and freaking out. I NEVER get into trouble, am an honor roll student, but the disease got the best of my judgment. I finally spilled the beans to her because she insisted that this food was NOT for me, that's there no way I could eat all this for being 85 pounds, I was lying, and yadda yadda. Then she felt a lot of compassion for me, gave me a hug, and had a police officer take me to the emergency room of the hospital where I was admitted to the ICU for severe malnutrition. The officer wrote me a summons, and I got a court date. He seemed really sorry for me and told me not to worry and started joking around about how much trouble HE used to get into at my age. Anyways, I was sent off to residential treatment for 6 months so I had to "call in" because I could not physically show up in court since I was no longer in the state.. I called the court while in treatment and they told me they had no record of me on their file and to call back in about a month. So I did, still nothing. Now it's been almost a year and nothing ever became of it. What do you supposed happened?




  1. Sound like they dropped your case. That means you were given a second chance. I'm mostly concerned if your eating habits have improved. I recommend therapy and seek the advise of a nutritionist to help you understand food and nutrition.  

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