
Crazy sister issues?????

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I have an older sister who is married to a A hole. And her kids are really weird due to there up bring. Her and her family have started lie about different family member's before. But this one got the police involved and saying a member of the family who is 80 did something to her daughter. This is a teenager girl who she lets her boyfriends sleep over even though she's out til midnight!!! Now no one wants to talk to her and she doesn't know why. And her husband is raciest against white people. When my sister is part white. He's hispanic from Mexico. What do you think??




  1. I think ur sister is the black sheep of the family. Everybody has one of these in their family. Not much u can do except stay out of it. She is still ur sister and will always be in ur life wether u like it or not.

  2. nothing

  3. If you really feel as if your niece is in a situation where she is unsafe and your brother-in-law isn't being a decent father then I would suggest calling child services. You can be anonymous about it so your sister does not hate you for it. They will do some investing and find out whether or not he need to go some parenting classes (which he said if he's letting her past midnight on a school night.) When they are done with the parenting class, she will be able to come back home. It does take awhile through.

    Or you could just talk to her. If she doesn't listen, then she is not going to listen. He might be an a** to you, but maybe not to her

    *good luck to you and your family

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