
Crazy upset sister????????????

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My sister is a year older then me and she is upset with everything i do! If im going outside she will be like were are you going?

And i met this guy over the summer while camping so she goes to every body, Erica have you told them about the guy you met this summer? and im like no, then she will start telling about it. And she always asks me, have you talked to that guy lately? and i dont talk to him I MET HIM CAMPING THATS IT!

She reads my text messages, watches what i do on facebook. Steals my make up, lies to my face, lies to every one, she will change some story that she started to get me in trouble and for some reason my parents believe her! I buy something and she takes. Like my food and my drinks.

She is always loud and annoying. ALWAYS SCREAMING! Is so stupid, she asked what year it was and wasnt being sarcastic. She thought it was 2009!

She is always insulting every body. Calling them fat, or ugly, or look at her face wats wrong with it. Or hey look at that thats so stupid, or that hat is dumb, WHILE SOMEONE IS WEARING IT RIGHT NEXT TO HER! She puts on about a gallon a make up twice a day, when she wakes up, and late in the eveing, and doesnt even wash her face. Wonders what i do all the time.

OMG how do i deal with her! she is 17 and i am 16 were only like 12 months apart. BUT I HAVE MY OWN LIFE AND SHE NEEDS TO GET ONE!




  1. That's tough but it kinda like the bully in grade school if you let them know it bothers you then that will just fuel the fire. Try being honest and straight forward. Like "i love you your my sister but we are two totally different people and I don't think we can hang out very much." I know it sucks but maybe you should try to keep your stuff under lock and key and if your sis know that you are Doin that b/c of her she might feel stupid. I would tell my sis straight up. Also try going to your parents if nothing else works. Good luck!!!

  2. hah buddie we ALL know a-hl-e is a stupid dunce who needs to get her head outta her big fat a$s and realize that she needs to be her own person and not cross-examine YOUR life!!! i think she's jealous. you are pretty and skinny and cool and she's not!!! she just wants to be like you and feel better about herself. and you know what they say about ppl who insult others... they just want to feel better about themselves! if i were you (well if i am me [which i am!] i would kick her in the butt next time i see her) i would talk to dad or d--e and tell them about her stealing and lying and insulting ppl, etc. and maybe they can talk to her. if not try c-s-a-d-a and maybe she can help. third option is lemme get a hold of her *pokes voodoo a-hl-e doll*. or 4th choice is talk to her yourself. tell her you feel she is treating tou unfairly and that she is a big fat doofus who needs to get off your back. okay maybe not the second part but whatevs ;)

    ily buddie. i hope this works, ttyl

  3. I think it's normal to go through this with siblings, i have 2 bros and 2 sisters and it's stages you'll go through growing up driving each other up the wall...could be she is experiencing some jealousy or something for some reason...but the best way to lay it to rest is to do your own thing, stay in your own mode, kill her with kindness and ask for your space. Handle it maturely, don't aggravate it on.  

  4. Sisters, big sisters are a pain in the butt.  I have one myself. But you have to remember that your sister has to protect you from harms way even if you don't understand why.  It took me a long time to appreciate everything my big sis did to me, but it was all for the good of me.  Give it time.  Your life will begin when she leaves for school.  just remember she really isn't doing it to embarrass you, she does it cause it's her job as your big sister.  Give her a break and remember how much responsibility she has to deal with.  I bet she doesn't like to be in charge of you either.

  5. You really need to tell her to BACK OFF for a start and then stop being so rude to everyone. She sounds soooo annoying!!!!

  6. Sounds like to me she likes pulling "rank" or age (in your case)  Unless you two have always been like that - something might be wrong.  Is she going off to school soon or next year?  Has she lost friends or something?  Usually, if a sibling turns into a butt out of the blue - there is a reason.  My brother would do stuff like that to me - but he was being a prick and wanted me to go back to being a kid instead of me growing up.  So everything I did - instead of him being cool - he tattled.  It took HIM a few years but he grew up - and we are friends and have been since I was about 20 -

    Good luck

  7. Hi,

    Well your post was quite interesting to read and i'm glad that you gave quite a few examples in it.  Looking at what you wrote, I would say that your sister has a low self esteem and is jealous of you.  She annoys you because she is wanting your attention (attention is give in both anger and kindness) as well as your parents.  She also is trying to figure out herself and she is not happy being the person she is in her own skin.  She may have the feeling of failure due to you having a boyfriend (or meeting a boy at camp) and she did not...which comes back to self esteem issues.  Self image and confidence is also lacking in your sister if she is painting a gallon of make up on  - she's using the make up as a mask to hide her fear, her sadness and insecurities.

    What I suggest you do is sit down privately with your parents and talk to them in a non emotional and adult manner regarding your concerns and the items you have pointed out above.  As them to help you set boundaries with her as well as talk to her about things.  

    Things will get better with time - she is 17 so she has only a couple more years in school before college or university comes and she will be moving on...which is also a scary spot in life because things are new.  

    Good Luck

  8. This is normal sister rivarly.  It will get better as you both age.  For now keep to yourself as much as possible.  The key is to not let her get at you. When she gets at you she wins and that is what she is looking for.  Blow her off every time she says something and she will eventually know she can't get at you, grow bored and move onto something else.

    Good luck!

  9. tell her you need your space and privacy just like she does.

    or tell her it's your life, not hers.  

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