My sister is a year older then me and she is upset with everything i do! If im going outside she will be like were are you going?
And i met this guy over the summer while camping so she goes to every body, Erica have you told them about the guy you met this summer? and im like no, then she will start telling about it. And she always asks me, have you talked to that guy lately? and i dont talk to him I MET HIM CAMPING THATS IT!
She reads my text messages, watches what i do on facebook. Steals my make up, lies to my face, lies to every one, she will change some story that she started to get me in trouble and for some reason my parents believe her! I buy something and she takes. Like my food and my drinks.
She is always loud and annoying. ALWAYS SCREAMING! Is so stupid, she asked what year it was and wasnt being sarcastic. She thought it was 2009!
She is always insulting every body. Calling them fat, or ugly, or look at her face wats wrong with it. Or hey look at that thats so stupid, or that hat is dumb, WHILE SOMEONE IS WEARING IT RIGHT NEXT TO HER! She puts on about a gallon a make up twice a day, when she wakes up, and late in the eveing, and doesnt even wash her face. Wonders what i do all the time.
OMG how do i deal with her! she is 17 and i am 16 were only like 12 months apart. BUT I HAVE MY OWN LIFE AND SHE NEEDS TO GET ONE!