
Crazy woman at work

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I know its long, but I really need some advice...

I work as a server in a chain restaurant. I'm one of those people who gets along with everyone, even if I don't always genuinely like a person. How about this, I treat others with respect and in return expect to be treated the same. well, I work with a young woman (23-24) who is always nit-picking and insulting other people. She once told me that I am 19 and therefore am deemed young and immature in her eyes. She has bi-polar like mood swings, and yesterday was a full on low! When telling me that a fellow co-worker skipped out on all of her sidework, I corrected her by saying "No, she brought up glasses and plates. I'm going to roll silverware". She then slammed down her plates, ran in the back and started telling a cook about how I am being a bit*h, that I refuse to do my sidework and that she has to do every f***ing thing around here". I just shrugged it off, but the attack wasn't over. She started yelling at me that I didn't do my sidework and was getting other people there against me.

The thing is, no one there really likes her. Every one is just afraid to stick up for themselves because she is literally scary. Well, yesterday I finally had it and told her I wasn't going to do what she said, I'm leaving, see you later".

Tomorrow we have a whole store meeting. I'm sure she is going to bring yesterday's debacle up and I'm really worried that she is going to blow the whole thing out of proportion. What should I do? Stand my ground? And if she doesn't say anything to the managers about it, what should I do at work when I see her? Just let her be a ***** still? Seriously! I need help!




  1. Stand up for yourself, don't let her step on you. You must get together with other workers to make a complaint.

  2. do stand your ground and let the manager know that she is detrimental to the work environment. if she is bipolar then she needs to see a doctor.

  3. No one should have to tolerate this type of abuse from a co worker or any one else for that matter .

    Go to the store meeting and rather she brings up any thing up or not , you need to . You and the fellow workers that are having to deal with this little b**ch need to ban together and talk to the manager .

    After talking with the manager if she continues to act like this then you all need to ban together and set her straight .

    When she starts to nit pick and insults other people calmly tell her that you do not want to hear any thing from her that resembles nit picking or insults . That the only thing you want to hear out her mouth is positive work related issues . If it's not about work , kindly shut the h**l up .

    When she brings up you not doing your side work tell her " the last time I checked you don't sign my pay check " .

    Don't back down from her or you will have to keep putting up with her sh*t .

    Best of luck .

  4. you need to let the boss know about what's going on.She don't need to be working there.She is bi-polar or bringing her problems to work.You are her punching bag.and she don't need to be working in a restaurant business.

  5. You should tell her you want to do your work and that's all!!!! Then you should try to be her friend so your job will not be lost!!!! At least lie to her!!!!!
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