
Cream for my snake??

by  |  earlier

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i live in springfield MA and i have a ball python and i was wondering how much cream from a vet would b for the caps on his eyes??




  1. Ask your Vet.  Oh, and your question title might be the subject of some tastless jokes, just to warn you.

  2. if you are worried because you snake did not shed his eyecaps i wouldn't worry too much about it they eyecaps will usually come off with the next shed.  if your snake had a bad shed  and still has pieces of dry skin on him/her take a plastic box, large enough for your snake to fit in it comfortably.  Get the short boxes for soaking snakes…the box should be about the height to go under a bed.  Drill several small holes along the sides at the top for airflow (this box can also be used as a feeding tub for your snake).  Put about a half inch or an inch of lukewarm water (about 80 Fahrenheit) and put the top on the plastic tub and “soak” the snake for about 3 hours (changing the water every so often if needed).  The reason to do this in a plastic tub with only a half inch or inch of water is because it's the humidity that this creates that helps the skin loosen and come off easier for your snake.  

    Good luck.

  3. these 2 are right although im not sure if the joking part is ask the vet or put like put some on q tips then apply on the eyes

  4. as a teenager, i cant help but crack a smile.

    crappy jokes aside, the dosage for any prescribed medication be it intravenous, topical, oral, etc is entirely reliant on instruction by the vet, i recommend you call and set up an appointment, or if the appointment has already occurred call and ask the vet to repeat the given instructions. i usually hear warm soaks in addition or even in the absence of medication usually does the trick, but i am not a replacement for veterinary care, nor any other answerer.
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