
Cream soda or Rootbeer?

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which do you like more?




  1. Root Beer - with vanilla ice cream...........Cream soda and Dr. Pepper (which you asked about before) are both disgusting

  2. cream soda!

  3. Neither - Diet Dr. Pepper is my favorite!


  5. Cream rootbeer...nope cream soda. Actually I still can't decide. It all depends on the mood, the event, and what I'm eating with it

  6. I LOVE cream soda. I have been trying to lose weight, and gave it up, but man, that is what I crave. Cream soda with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, yum yum!

  7. That's a hard one.  I love cream soda every now and again, and root beer too.  But, I have to say the best way for root beer is using it in a root beer float.  For plain soda drinking, I would say cream soda.  

    What a long answer for such a simple question!


  8. A&W Cream soda is so yum...

  9. cream soda with carnation milk and ice!


  10. rootbeer in a float

  11. rootbeer!

  12. Not a big fan of either, but I much prefer Root Beer of these two options - I liked cream soda when younger, but now I find it fairly nasty.

  13. root beer

  14. Rootbeer.  Ginger beer even moreso.

  15. depends on my mood, but generally rootbeer

  16. I like cream Soda much better.

  17. rootbeer

  18. root beer is an altime favorite

  19. Both, I also like Dr. Brown's black cherry soda.  These 3 remind me of home. (New York).  Root Beer with pizza, Cream or Black Cherry with Pastrami on rye......

  20. mountain dew

  21. cream soda!!

  22. creme soda

  23. cream soda rules

  24. cream soda.......yummmmmm

  25. A Rootbeer Float! YUM!!!!

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