
Create album on Photobucket?

by  |  earlier

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Please list the steps on creating an album on Photobucket. I do not want group album.




  1. Step1: Log into your Photobucket account and go to the album that you wish to create sub albums in.

    Step2: Scroll down the page to the area just below the fields for uploading new pictures and locate the field that says "new sub album title." This will be on the right side of the page.

    Step3: Type the name of the sub album you are creating into the box just to the left of the "Submit" button. Think ahead of the various sub album names you will be creating in this album and be sure you have picked the right name for your album because you can not change the name of the sub album after you create. If you wish to change the name you will have to delete the sub album and make a new one with the new name.

    Step4: Click on the "Submit" button and your sub album will be created.

    Step5: Look to the left side of the page under "My Sub Albums" to make sure your new sub album is there. Click on the name of the sub album to access it.

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