
Create your own match of the year!!!

by Guest63463  |  earlier

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  1. The Rock vs Austin-h**l In A Cell these 2 always put on classics

  2. The Undertaker VS George Bush. I would sooo love to see that.

    **STARRED** (-: Cool question.

  3. h**l in a Cell

    Godzilla vs. Hilary Clinton

  4. John Cena Vs Undertaker,vs The Rock vs Sting vs Osama Binladin vs Borack Obama in a  6-man inferno match (elemination)

  5. I Quit match Cena vs. Batista Vs. Undertaker

    # 2 choice   h**l in a Cell _ Lita vs. Trish Stratus vs. Andre The Giant vs. Shane McMahon

  6. elimination chamber- Bin Laden v.s godzilla v.s hilary clinton (with Bill) v.s Obama v.s McCain v.s. Funaki and as special guest ref Bob Saget and ur winner- Head (with Al Snow and Mr. Socko)

  7. I quit match

    Obama v.s John mccain

    Buried alive match

    Steav Austin vs the rock

    last match

    last man standing

    The big show vs and andre the Giant

  8. If I created my own match of the year it would be  Hillary Clinton against Chyna,no dq match.

  9. 60min Iron Man Match

    Chris Jericho vs Triple H


    Kane vs Undertaker

    Haven't seen an iron man match in ages.

    Q. What was the last iron man match in wwe?

  10. Last man standing match:

    John McCain vs Godzilla

  11. i quit match

    the rock vs. mick foley (mankind) (rematch from the '99 royal rumble). that match was awesome.

  12. Undertaker vs. Triple H in a h**l in the Cell for the world heavyweight title at Wrestlemania.

    Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Shane McMahon vs. RVD in a Ladder Match

    Chyna vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Jazz in an I quit Match

    I don' t know if the Shawn Michaels and the Jeff Hardy Ladder Match sounded very good, but oh well.

  13. Triple Threat h**l In A Cell Match

    Undertaker vs Stone Cold vs Shawn Michaels

  14. JBL vs the Great Khali (You're Fired! match)

  15. Batista vs Hulk Hogan vs Triple H vs Undertaker (h**l in a Cell)

  16. An Iron Man Match 60 Minutes

    The Rock vs Shawn Michaels

  17. come here for raw tonight

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