
Created a group. but invitations send by me does not reach invitees mail box. kindly advice?

by  |  earlier

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the message i receive is that it cannot be send due to some privacy reasons or something similiar.




  1. invites have been glitchy for almost a year ow, some get them and many never do. some mail providers see them as spam, some tims they end up in bulk or spam folders.

    some members can also set a setting to make it so they cant be invites or added by group owners.

    try sending the direct link of your homepage to people instead of an invite

  2. Hotmail, for example, has a policy of rejecting messages from the Yahoo domain.  You mail try to send mail to the invitees invidually to test the connection.

    Here is a rejection message returned by the Hotmail message server:

    Remote host said: 550 SC-004 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. A block has been placed against your IP address because we have received complaints concerning mail coming from that IP address. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your... "

    You may try inviting to your group through other than a yahoo mail account.  Your members mail log on through the web interface once they are aware of the group name.

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